Small steps
Have you really looked?
Posted by Lynette Pascoe on
Have you really looked at the ingredients in your household products? I never used to really look - partly because many of them had no ingredients list. I’d often go by smell but unfortunately we have been encouraged to think that stinky means effective. A toxic stench has many people thinking it will kill germs and make the house hygienic and healthy. Sadly the products are probably causing damage to your health. I was researching some washing powders today (I like reading big words and finding out what they mean). I was thinking the powder sounded ok…….until I read about: Poly...
Disclosure of ingredients
Posted by Lynette Pascoe on
“…..perhaps the category of most concern is household products. This category includes household cleaners, air fresheners, laundry detergents and waterproofing agents. Here the consumer really is in the dark when it comes to determining the safety of these products because there are no regulations requiring the manufacturers to list the ingredients. Often the label just gives the active ingredient which may indeed be fairly innocuous. The rest of the ingredients are deemed to be immune from disclosure under the guise of ‘proprietary’ information or ‘trade secret’. The non-disclosure of ingredients would not be a problem if the products contained...
The home is the last place we look
Posted by Lynette Pascoe on
Is your home making you sick? A few years back my home was making me sick! It took me a while to work it out though. The practitioners I initially sought help from never questioned what was going on in my home. I was so fatigued, so deep in a fog and also sleep deprived. I couldn’t clearly see what was triggering me. My first response was to look at what I was eating. I didn’t, at first, consider the impact of the toxicants in my living environment. Fortunately I started looking at elimination diets. I found a nutritionist to...
Have you downloaded the app?
Posted by Lynette Pascoe on
It can feel like a maze looking at the ingredients list of products.Download the Chemical Maze app to help you through.
"....women have a higher body burden of toxicants..."
Posted by Lynette Pascoe on
Are you a sensitive woman? Overloaded with years of personal care products and cleaning products?I tried perfume in my younger years and always felt off after putting it on or my nose ran like a tap. Back then I had no idea about the body’s filtering systems.I tried supermarket fabric softener twice thinking that I had to have soft smelly clothes - I quickly realised that I couldn’t stand the smell and I felt strange after smelling it.Nowadays I wonder how many people out there are reacting badly to chemicals in personal care and cleaning products but don’t make the...
- Tags: Building Biology, Chemical Sensitivity, Home Health, Low Chemical, Low Tox, Lower the Load, Natural Cleaning, Sensitive People, Small steps